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What We Believe

Our Statement of Faith

The Bible has Meaning - 

The Bible tells humanity that our Creator is the final answer to all things and that God is Love. Moreover, the Bible starts by telling us that God has set time, matter and space into motion as He sees fit. Therefore, Jehovah is sovereign. Genesis1, 1 John 4:7-8, Revelation 22:13

It is a Relationship - 

Pop-culture often teaches that religion is a set of practices that does not bolster results or sets you in alignment with our Creator, Jehovah. James 1:27 teaches a proper relationship by this definition, 'Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.' Therefore, our organization sets out to help families in need.

Jehovah Loves All People - 

Each one of us is responsible for our relationships to ourselves, to our neighbors (community), and to God. Love does not end and begin with humanity. God's good pleasure is that all people have an opportunity to repair their relationships; and because of it, we can live at peace. 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 5:1

We Believe in You - 

You have gifts from the Creator. Unlocking those gifts alone can be a challenge. Each one of us is charged with loving our neighbors. That is our goal in light of this passage, "and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and filled,' without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? - James 2:16. We are here to provide skills for a healthy life sustaining change.

Why the Butterfly?

Ever felt isolated and alone? The Butterfly represents a particular idea that when we are alone there is still opportunity for growth. Life changing growth where you can soar above the life you once knew. Jehovah's Heart believes that when given the chance any one of us can go further than we ever expected. Let's all join in and help families realize their full potential.

Why the Butterfly

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Chel's Shop
We Dare To Care
The Wandering Storyteller
Osceola Christian Preparatory School
NEXA Mortgage
DJ Marathon

Therapeutic Creationz
Bikers Against Child Abuse
Zen Warriors
Teen Moms Choose Life
Woodstock Stables
Kissimmee Inflatables
Natural Essence

Copyright (C) 2025All rights reserved. Do not use or sell any information from this website or products affiliated without express written consent. We are not affiliated with any church, organization, or church group. Jehovah's Heart is part of the body of Christ and believes in the family and community's total health. 

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